© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Joseph's Catholic Primary School (2024) At St Joseph's School there are two distinct dimensions to Religious Education; there is the classroom teaching of the learning area, Religion and there is the faith development that is encouraged through the Religious Life of the School. These two dimensions complement each other.
The teaching of Religion at St Joseph's is structured through the use of the
Religion Curriculum P-12, Archdiocese of Brisbane. Teachers use a range of strategies and resources to engage the students with the content of the curriculum.
Catholic schools have extra time allocated for the teaching of Religion. This is 2.5 hours per week in addition to the time allocated to other learning areas which is similar to government schools.
The religious life of St Joseph's teaches the students how to be religious in the Catholic Christian tradition and it encourages faith development through a range of regular practices including daily classroom prayer, prayer assemblies and liturgical celebrations. The religious life of St Joseph's school is also evident in our school vision and mission statement, the school prayer and most importantly our relationships.
More information about Religious Education in the Archdiocese of Brisbane can be found on the
Religious Education Curriculum website. There is a regular Religious Education Newsletter that is published to inform the community about the St Joseph's School Program. Some copies of this newsletter can be found below.
Information for parents The St Joseph's School Parent Portal contains extra information about the classroom teaching of Religion at St Joseph's. There is a full overview of unit topics taught for each class throughout the year and this includes links to curriculum content descriptions as well as parent friendly paragraphs of information about each of the unit topics. To access this information parents logon to the Parent Portal.