Microsoft Teams
Students can access Teams by clicking here.
Parent Portal
Parents of students can access our new Parent Portal by clicking the link below. https://extranet.bne.catholic.edu.au/parent/stjosephsbrackenridge Please contact us for login information and support. Staff and Student PortalStaff and Students can access the School Portal by clicking the link below. https://mybcecatholicedu.sharepoint.com/sites/sp-stjosephsbrackenridge Parents and Friends SiteParents and Friend committee can access the Portal https://extranet.bne.catholic.edu.au/parentsfriends/stjosephsbrackenridge For access to this site, please apply for an account here
Outside School Hours Care (OSHC)https://www.catholicearlyedcare.qld.edu.au/joeys-outside-school-hours-care-bracken-ridge/